


ADB Asian Development Bank

ADRs  American Depository Receipts

AIF  Alternative Investment Fund

AIFIs All India Financial Institutions

ALBM Automated Lending and Borrowing Mechanism

ALBRS Automated Lending and Borrowing under Rolling Settlement

AMC Asset Management Company

AMEX American Stock Exchange

AMFI Association of Mutual Funds in India

ASC Accounting Standard Committee

ATM At-The-Money

ATSs Alternative Trading System

B2B Business-to-Business

BEPS Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

BIFR Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction

BIS Bank of International Settlement

BLESS Borrowing and Lending Securities Scheme

BMC Base Minimum Capital

BSE The Stock Exchange, Mumbai

CARE Credit Analysis & Research Limited

CBDT Center Board of Direct Taxes

CC Clearing Corporation

CCIL Clearing Corporation of India Limited

CDs Certificate of Deposits

CDSL Central Depository Services (India) Limited

CFM Carry Forward Margin

CFRS Carry Forward under Rolling Settlement

CH Clearing House

CIMC Collective Investment Management Company

CISs Collective Investment Schemes

CIVs Collective Investment Vehicles

CLF Collateralised Lending Facility

CM Clearing member

CME(Merc) Chicago Mercantile Exchange

CM Segment Capital Market Segment of NSE

CMIE Center for Monitoring India Economy

COSI Committee on Settlement Issues

COTI Committee of Trade Issues

CP Custodial Participant

CPs Commercial Papers

CRA Credit Rating Agencies

CRISIL Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited

CRR Cash Reserve Ratio

CSD Collateral Security Deposit

CSDL Central Securities Depositing Limited

CSE Calcutta Stock Exchange

DCA Department of Company Affair

DDBs Deep Discount Bonds

DEA Department of Economic Affair

DFIs Development Financial Institutions

DIP Disclosure and Investor Protection

DNS Deferred Net Settlement

DPs Depository Participants

DRF Demat  Request Form

DRR Debenture Redemption Reserve

DSCE Debt Securities Convertible Into Equity

DSCR Debt Service Coverage Ratio

DvP Delivery versus Payment

ECB Euro Commercial Borrowings

ECNS Electronic Communication Networks

EDGAR Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval

EDIFAR Electronic Data Information Filing and Retrieval

EFT Electronic Fund Transfer

ELSS Equity Linked Saving Schemes

EPS Earnings Per Share

ETFs Exchange Traded Funds

F&O Futures and Options

FCCBs Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds

FDI Foreign Direct Investment

FDRs Foreign Deposit Receipts

FDs Fixed Deposits

FEMA Foreign Exchange Management Act-1999

FERA Foreign Exchange Regulation Act-1973

FIBV International World Federation of Stock Exchanges

FIIs Foreign Institutional Investors

FIMMDA Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association

Fis Financial Institutions

FMC Forward Market Commission

FMCG Fast Moving Consumer Goods

FRAs Forward Rate Agreement

FVCIs Foreign Venture Capital Investors

GAAR General Anti Avoidance Bill

GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GDRs Global Deposit Receipts

GDS Gross Domestic Saving

GNP Gross National Product

GOI Government of India

G-Sec Government Securities

GST Goods and Services Tax

GTC Good Till Cancelled

GTD Good Till Days/Date

i-BEX ICICI Securities Bonds Index

IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

ICAI Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

ICICI Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited

ICRA Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of India

ICSE Inter-Connected Stock Exchange of India Limited

IDA International Development Association

IDBI Industrial Development Bank of India

IFC International Finance Corporation

IFSD Interest Free Security Deposit

IGC Investor Grievance Cell

IIM Indian Institute of Management

IISL India Index Services and Products Limited

IMF International Monetary Fund

IOC Immediate or Cancel

IOSCO International Organisation of Securities Commission

IPF Investor Protection Fund

IPO Initial Public Offer

IRDA Insurance Securities Regulatory and Development Authority

IRS Interest Rate Swap

ISIN International Securities Identification Number

ISSA International Securities Services Association

IT Information Technology

ITM In-The-Money

LAF Liquidity Adjustment Facility

LIC Life Insurance Corporation of India Limited

LM Lead Manager

MCFS Modefied Carry Forward System

MCX Multi Commodity Exchange

MFs Mutual Funds

MFSS Mutual fund Service System

MIBID Mumbai Inter-bank Bid Rate

MIBOR Mumbai Inter-bank Offer Rate

MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

MMMF Money Market Mutual Fund

MNCs Multi National Companies

MOU Memorandum of Understanding

MSCI Morgam Stanley Capital International. (MSCI has seperated from morgan stanley in 2009. Please see Glossary)

MTM Mark-To-Market

NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System

NAV Net Asset Value

NBFCs Non-Banking Financial Companies

NCAER National Council for Applied Economic Research

NCDs Non-convertible Debentures

NCDEX National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange Limited

NCDS Non-convertible Debt Securities

NCFM NSE’s Certification in Financial Markets

NDS Negotiatied Dealing System

NEAT National Stock Exchange Automated Trading

NGOs Non Government Organisations

NIBIS NSE’s Internet-Based Information System

NIC National Informatics Centre

NPAs Non Performing Assets

NPS National Pension System

NRIs Non Resident Indians

NSCCL National Securities Clearing Corporation of India Limited

NSDL National Securities Depository Limited

NSE National Stock Exchange of India Limited

NYSE New York Stock Exchange

OCBs Overseas Corporate Bodies

ODA Official Development Assistance

OECLOB Open Electronic Consolidate a Limit Order Book

OIS Overnight Index Swaps

ORS Order Routing System

OTC Over the Counter

OTCEI Over the Counter Exchange of India Limited

OTM Out-of the-Money

P/E ratio Price Earning Ratio

PAN Permanent Account Number

PCM Professional Clearing Member

PDAI Primary Dealers Association of India

PDO Public Debt Office

PDs Primary Dealers

PRI Principal Return Index

PRISM Parallel Risk Management System

PSUs Public Sector Undertakings

PV Present Value

QIBs Qualified Institutional Buyers

RBI Reserve Bank of India

REIT Real Estate Investment Trusts

ROCs Registrar of Companies

RRF Remat Request Form

RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement

S&P Standard and Poor’s

SAT Securities Appellate Tribunal

SC(R)A Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956

SC (R)R Securities Contract (Regulation) Rules, 1957

SCMRD Society for Capital Market Research and Development

SDs Satellite Dealers

SDR Special Drawing Rights

SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India

SEC Securities Exchange Commission

SGF Settlement Guarantee Fund

SGL Subsidiary General Ledger

SGX-DT The Singapore Exchange Derivative Trading Limited

SIPC Securities Investor Protection Corporation

SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio

SPAN Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risks

SPV Special Purpose Vehicle

SROs Self Regulatory Organisations

SSS Securities Settlement System

STT Securities Transaction Tax

STP Straight Through Processing

STRIPS Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities

SUS 99 Special Unit Scheme 99

SWIFT Society for World’wide International Financial Telecommunication

T-Bills Treasury Bills

TDS Tax Deducted at Source

TM Trading Member

TRI Total Return Index

UTI Unit Trust of India

VaR Value at Risk

VCC Venture Capital Company

VCFs Venture Capital Funds

VCUs Venture Capital Undertakings

VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal

WAN Wide Area Network

WAP Wireless Application Protocol

WDM Wholesale Debt Market Segment of NSE

WTO World Trade Organisation

YTM Yield to Maturity

ZCYC Zero Coupon Yield Curve